Monday, June 27, 2011

Heidi's Hot and Not #1

Have you ever wondered what was hot and what was not?   By following what Heidi Martinuzzi thinks is hot or not you will always be in good taste and seem fashionable to people that don't know you very well.

According to Heidi, Marley Shelton is...

 Purple Zodiac jackets...


 New Mutants #87 (First appearance of Cable) is...


Kate Beckinsale's hot sexy legs are...


Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Leave Her to the AIDS Death of the Universe" by Heidi

Fuck you face!  Shut your face the fuck up!

Sometimes Heidi gets even drunker and writes even crappier poems than the last one I posted, sometimes she does this while listening to Weezer's first album and crying because it reminds her of things...

"Leave Her to the AIDS Death of the Universe"

I was in a rowboat
watching Superman swim in the lake
with kryptonite on his back

I rowed away
every time Superman tried to grab on to the boat
I watched him drown

Then Doomsday was like "Hey I am Doomsday I can't be destroyed so all they could do to get rid of me was to take me all the way to entropy or the heat death of the universe."

"More like the AIDS death of the universe you faggot!" and I was Gene Tierney then.

I was her the whole time and my teeth were just like Bugs Bunny's teeth.

"Rape Pipe" by Heidi

Sometimes Heidi drinks whiskey and writes hardcore poems like some kind of female version of the watered down version of Charles Bukowski that Mickey Rourke played in that really shitty boring movie "Barfly", so anyway here is Heidi's poem and I thank her for sharing it with us (even though it totally sucks).

"Rape Pipe"

I fuck your eyes with it,
the same pipe I fucked your mouth and pussy with

I like the taste of it
the same vag Apollo Creed lost his fists in

This rape pipe isn't a big lez
but when I find you out west and stab your throat
you will truly be the final girl.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Ghost and The Darkness 2: The Cunt and the Asshole by Jeff T. Kane (Serial story) Part 2

It was getting dark as Reginald made his way back to the mission. 

He could still feel the milky lion spit drying on his face.

I am so telling when I see Father Clitter.

"They are so dead," said Reginald out loud to no one.

But someone replied, "No you are dead," in a whispery voice and before Reginald could even register the fear a white gloved hand clasped over his mouth.

Reginald felt something crawl into his mouth and then down his throat.

It tickled at first but then the creature in his throat began to bite and all Reginald's world was pain.

To be continued...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Ghost and The Darkness 2: The Cunt and the Asshole by Jeff T. Kane (Serial story)

This is an unofficial sequel to "The Ghost and The Darkness".


Reginald had tried to slip through the tall grass unnoticed but the lions had seen him, seen him and more particularly they'd seen he orange bondage pants.

"Dude, what are you some kind of faggot?" said the burly lion wearing a white UCONN baseball cap twisted backwards on his head, he was the one the villagers called The Cunt.  Then the Asshole, his twin brother lion with the crewcut, chimed in, "Yeah are those like professional faggot pants?"

"You guys are so not funny," said Reginald, "weren't your fathers like tough maneaters? All you guys do is talk shit about people."

"Whatevs," said the Cunt, "I'd eat you if I was hungreh."

"Whatever," said Reginald, "You guys are such losers, you just put other people down to feel better about yourselves."

"Rarr rarr!" growled the Asshole as he lunged upon Reginald with his paws out and hocked a lugee all over his face.

"Ew you sick piece of shit," said Reginald as he tore out his pink kerchief and mopped the lion spit from his face.

"Ha ha!" said the Cunt and the Asshole in unison.

"Whatever I am totally telling Father Clitter when I get back to the mission."

"Fuck you tattletale," said the Cunt.

Reginald walked away into the African woods without saying a word or looking back.

"Good riddens faggot!" said the Asshole.

To be continued...