This is an unofficial sequel to "The Ghost and The Darkness".
Reginald had tried to slip through the tall grass unnoticed but the lions had seen him, seen
him and more particularly they'd seen he orange bondage pants.
"Dude, what are you some kind of faggot?" said the burly lion wearing a white UCONN baseball cap twisted backwards on his head, he was the one the villagers called The Cunt. Then the Asshole, his twin brother lion with the crewcut, chimed in, "Yeah are those like professional faggot pants?"
"You guys are so not funny," said Reginald, "weren't your fathers like tough maneaters? All you guys do is talk shit about people."
"Whatevs," said the Cunt, "I'd eat you if I was hungreh."
"Whatever," said Reginald, "You guys are such losers, you just put other people down to feel better about yourselves."
"Rarr rarr!" growled the Asshole as he lunged upon Reginald with his paws out and hocked a lugee all over his face.
"Ew you sick piece of shit," said Reginald as he tore out his pink kerchief and mopped the lion spit from his face.
"Ha ha!" said the Cunt and the Asshole in unison.
"Whatever I am totally telling Father Clitter when I get back to the mission."
"Fuck you tattletale," said the Cunt.
Reginald walked away into the African woods without saying a word or looking back.
"Good riddens faggot!" said the Asshole.
To be continued...